Advocacy Coalition
Our two advocacy partners serve the entire state of Georgia, as well as the Metro Atlanta area. More details are below for their public held meeting times & locations.

Georgia Coalition on Older Adults & Behavioral Health (GCOABH) focuses on strengthening Georgia’s capacity to care for the growing older adult population with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Partners include the Georgia Division of Aging Services (DAS) and Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) with membership from Department of Public Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, other community organizations, and family advocates.
2022 Meetings:
Mondays, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
- Monday, January 10
- Monday March 14
- Monday May 9
- Monday, July 11
- Monday, September 12
- Monday November 14
Meetings are Held Via Microsoft Teams – Call in Information: Dial 1-470-344-9228 Conference ID Code: TBD Each Meeting and is sent with meeting reminder.
To be added to the email listserv, please contact Cathy Rambach at

Metro Atlanta
Aging and Behavior Health Care Collaborative (ABHCC) promotes interagency education and collaboration around the care of older adults with mental illness in the Greater Atlanta area. Members include staff from public and private organizations who provide housing, social services, or healthcare to older adults. Each meeting includes a speaker on an educational topic, group discussion of a real case, and networking time.
2022 Meetings:
Meetings are held virtually via Microsoft Teams, Call in code and conference ID are sent with the meeting reminder.
To be added to the email listserv, please contact Jocelyn Chen Wise at

“We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”
– Emily Dickinson