Our History
In 1999, the J. B. Fuqua Foundation made a gift to establish the Fuqua Center for Late-Life Depression as a Center of Excellence in advancing awareness and treatment of late-life depression. Mr. Fuqua had unique insight into the seriousness of this condition due to his own 50-year experience battling severe depression.
" Your thoughts slow down and your thinking is clouded by indecision. You feel as though you have weights on your body and every movement is painful."
– J. B. Fuqua: How I Made My Fortune Using Other People’s Money
Longstreet Press, 2001
Fuqua Center focuses on these main areas:
- Developing clinical services within the Emory University Division of Geriatric Psychiatry
- Collaborations with low-income housing providers to bring mental health treatment to seniors
- Training in the use of evidence-based models for early detection and treatment of depression including IMPACT, PEARLS, Healthy IDEAS, and Mental Health First Aid (Older Adult Version)
- Leadership in state and regional coalitions focused on older adults and behavioral health needs
- Research and innovation of neuromodulation in the treatment of depressive disorders
- Suicide prevention education
Our Partners Include:
- The Georgia Division of Aging Services
- Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
- Atlanta Housing Authority
- Atlanta Regional Commission and Area Agencies on Aging throughout Georgia
- Jesse Parker Williams Foundation
- LeadingAge Georgia
- Mental Health Consumer Network
- Skyland Trail
- Georgia Partnership for Telehealth
- National Mental Health Association of Georgia
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Did You Know…
Risk factors for late-onset depression included widowhood, physical illness, low educational attainment (less than high school), impaired functional status, and heavy alcohol consumption.
– U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1999)